FREE Abstract 3D Models Pack (24 Shapes)
Intimidated by starting your 3D journey? Need some random shapes for a cloth sim, rigid render, or still life? Try out this collection of 24 unique shapes!
Couple of things to note:
- these are somewhat low-poly. Some shapes have sharp edges, but can be beveled as desired.
- this pack has two file options, the .c4d file, or the .folder with all of the individual .obj models files.
✨ If you want some free materials you can slap on these bad bois; check out my 3 FREE redshift materials here:
✨ And if you want even more, I have a pack of 15 materials for $5 here:
If you use the .c4d file, obviously you'll need Cinema 4D. Likewise, to use my free materials linked above you'll need Redshift! That being said, for this specific models pack, you do not need Redshift. You can open the file with standard C4D.
a folder with the .obj files and the .c4d scene file