Procedural Ceramic RS Material + 6 Included Models
+ now including a Houdini version! yay!
Houdini file has the base shader, the objs, and an install instructions text doc. The variations of the ceramics will be added soon!
This one is the real deal folks. Not only is this my most extensive procedural redshift shader yet, with tons of options for customization - but I've also thrown in the 6 pottery models that you see in these preview images! :)
I am such a lover of ceramics, so this was a real treat to put together. Read below to see all you can customize (it's a lot!).
Custom Options:
- choose if you'd like raw terracotta edges or full-ceramic on your pottery
- two main noises make up the ceramic:
- you can change the noise types, using the standard dropdown select, for both noises.
- you can edit a ramp for the colors of the main noise, and change a single color for the secondary noise.
- you can also change the scales, and contrasts for both, and also opacity on the second noise, if you don't want it in the mix.
- I added a 'desaturated' option too, if you want to pick a gradient for your main coloring, but find it too overpowering for a ceramic glaze.
- you can edit the scale and color of the main cracks you see in the ceramic (more noticeable in close up shots)
- you can edit the more faint smaller cracks/grain colors as well
- there's additionally a 'displacement' option for these finer cracks. I recommend having this very low (like, I think mine was set to .02 or something), because low numbers means you'll see the 'flakes' of the glaze up close, but it will still be a shiny surface.
- there's also a 'specks' tab where you can change the colors, density, and scale of the specks themselves
- subsurface can also be edited (color, weight, scale)
- there's a tab for 'finer details' which I may add more to in the future. For now, it has a fingerprint section, which adjusts essentially how rough or shiny your ceramics are. I used a fingerprint image from the asset browser for this.
- Finally, and perhaps one of the coolest things in my opinion - you can adjust where the terracotta edges are, using two black and white ramps at the very bottom of the shader attributes. Dragging these will change where the terracotta edges are at the top/bottom of your pots. This only matters if you've selected the first raw edge option for the shader. I also have a small noise scale option in here, but this affects the sizing of the color variation on the terracotta itself.
Worth noting - the terracotta material in here is not my terracotta shader from my gumroad. It's essentially a much more simplified version of it, with only a couple of displacements going on. So if you want the more realistic terracotta - check my other shader out here:
✨ Some of my other FREE resources ✨
- Sponge Shader:
- 3 procedural RS materials:
- 24 abstract shapes:
Or my pack of 15 Redshift materials for $5 here:
the .c4d file which has the shader(in 6 variations) and the models!